Applying to college is a lot of work. You have to complete writing assignments in a genre that you probably haven’t been practicing in your English classes in school, under intense pressure, and with stakes higher than you’ve faced before. You’re also taking on all this extra work on top of your normal activities and school assignments. It’s daunting!
When you view the task ahead of you from a different perspective, however, college applications provide an opportunity to pause daily life and reflect. You can rejoice in your accomplishments, recall transformational moments in your life, and take time to articulate your future goals.
Amplify helps you keep college applications in perspective and use the process as an opportunity for growth. Ultimately, your consultant helps you amplify your voice.
Curious about how your specific circumstances might benefit from working with a consultant?
I attend a public school. How can a college consultant help me?
At many public schools across the U.S., counselors face overwhelming caseloads of students. These education professionals are incredibly dedicated and do everything they can to support their students pursuing a college degree. However, their time with individual students is necessarily constrained by mathematics: with a caseload numbering in the hundreds, even the most hardworking counselor does not have the bandwidth to sit with students working through multiple essays.
Amplify offers the time and personal attention that students at public schools need as they craft compelling applications for college admission.
I attend a private school that has a whole college counseling department. Do I need to work with a consultant in addition to my school counselor?
This is totally up to you!
Many private high schools in the U.S. offer robust college counseling with teams of experienced professionals who will guide you through the process of creating a college list, suggest strengths to highlight in your application, and discuss your options once decisions are released. They have the benefit of a 360-degree view of you, thanks to insight from faculty who have taught you for years. They’ll use this knowledge to suggest essay topics.
Often, however, counselors will give excellent top-line advice on how to frame the writing sections of your application, but won’t be in the trenches with you through draft after draft after draft. This is what Amplify offers: some one who will stick with you as you explore possible topics and refine your voice, no matter how long it takes.
I attend an international high school outside of the U.S. How can a college consultant help me?
Students attending international schools have a unique set of factors working in their favor. They also face a unique set of challenges.
Amplify has first-hand experience with this unique set of circumstances on both sides of the desk: as a student at an international school and as a member of the international admission committee at Stanford.